Rezervovat ubytování
Kontakt na recepci +420 530 334 330
3 nights
5 apartmánů
Coffee, tea, free Netflix
Starobrněnská 13, Brno-střed
450 m from the center
BRNOPAS worth approx.
CZK 500
Zážitkový program
v Brně plný benefitů
na 3 noci
Enhance your sightseeing by grabbing it at a reduced price!
For a stay of 2 or 3 nights in your preferred apartment or room, we will include BRNOPAS tourist cards, valued at approximately CZK 500, as part of your booking for the stay package.
These cards grant you access to the most captivating sites in Brno at a reduced cost or even for free, including attractions like the Brno Zoo, the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral, and the Constance St. Jakub, the second-largest ossuary in Europe. Just book your package at least a week before your arrival.
We will procure BRNOPAS for you and your companions going to Brno. Please let us know if the group consists of adults, children, or a combination of both.
Experience Brno like a true local
We've created a specially curated experience program of the finest attractions Brno has to offer. This program is packed with discounts and perks that can be utilized at various Brno establishments and points of interest.
Reside in a charming historic residence right in the heart of Brno. You can find Enjoy Downtown on Starobrněnská street, which connects Šilingrovo náměstí and Zelný Trh square. The house boasts five roomy apartments, all of which underwent a renovation in 2023. Each apartment features its own kitchen and private bathroom.
In the morning, make your way to the Zelný Trh square for fresh fruit, and then explore the restaurants, bars, theaters, vibrant atmosphere, and street art. Enjoy Downtown provides everything you desire from exceptional accommodations in the lively heart of Brno.
Living in the city center doesn't imply that you can't embark on hikes. You can reach Špilberk Castle in just 15 minutes on foot, Wilson Forest in 38 minutes, and by tram, you can get to Žabovřesky in 30 minutes to witness the breathtaking B like Brno view point.
Kde se v Brně ještě dobře spí?
Kromě záležitostí týkající se ubytování rádi
pomůžeme s výběrem restaurace, výletem
nebo třeba orientací v brněnském MHD.
Dominik Kremel
+420 530 334 330
Společně vyřešíme jakýkoliv speciální požadavek, třeba pokud budete mít zájem u nás bydlet dlouhodoběji nebo ve větším počtu.