Rezervovat ubytování
Kontakt na recepci +420 530 334 330
4 nights
3 apartmány
Coffee, tea, free Netflix
Králova 11, Brno-Žabovřesky
3100 m from the center
Breakfast worth
CZK 1000
Zážitkový program
v Brně plný benefitů
na 4 noci
To start your day on the right note, have a hearty breakfast!
Booking a stay package for 4, 5 or 6 nights in the apartment or room of your preference entitles you to a complimentary voucher for breakfast valued at CZK 1000, redeemable at select dining establishments in Brno. Just book your package at least a week before your arrival.
You have the option to use the breakfast voucher at:
Choose an establishment according to your taste. Once you have decided, inform us, and we will handle the booking for you. If you're traveling to Brno solo or as a couple, we're happy to provide two CZK 500 vouchers, allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits.
Experience Brno like a true local
We've created a specially curated experience program of the finest attractions Brno has to offer. This program is packed with discounts and perks that can be utilized at various Brno establishments and points of interest.
Discover the atmosphere of Žabovřesky. Králova Street is home to three stunning contemporary apartments designed to accommodate two or four guests. Two of these apartments feature a shared kitchen and a glass-enclosed balcony. The final apartment offers a dedicated kitchen, and the bathroom is always private.
The Great Chill house hides a shared yard where you can comfortably chill. We've furnished it with a variety of armchairs along with cozy blankets, a hammock, and a large dining table complemented by chairs. The courtyard features a fireplace and a well-equipped outdoor kitchen, allowing you to prepare a joint dinner or roast a small sausage right under the apartment. Almost in the city center – pretty good right?
From Great Chill, you can stroll to Náměstí Svobody in under an hour, and then take a tram to Česká in approximately 8 minutes. „Right around the corner“ You can go on a delightful stroll to Wilson Forest or Kraví Hora with the planetarium. There are numerous restaurants and shops in the vicinity of the accommodation.
Kde se v Brně ještě dobře spí?
Kromě záležitostí týkající se ubytování rádi
pomůžeme s výběrem restaurace, výletem
nebo třeba orientací v brněnském MHD.
Dominik Kremel
+420 530 334 330
Společně vyřešíme jakýkoliv speciální požadavek, třeba pokud budete mít zájem u nás bydlet dlouhodoběji nebo ve větším počtu.