Rezervovat ubytování
Kontakt na recepci +420 530 334 330
5 nights
free night!
6 apartmánů
Coffee, tea, free Netflix
Veletržní 5, Brno-Staré Brno
1800 m from the center
1 night free of charge
Zážitkový program
v Brně plný benefitů
na 6 nocí
Enhance your Brno experience even further, get it at a discount!
Choose 6 or more nights in your preferred apartment or room , and we'll reward you with an extra free night at Goodnite when you book your stay package. In the end, you'll only be charged for 5 nights.
You can spend the saved money while wandering around Brno's gastro scene or on any other attractions that pique your interest in the city.
Experience Brno like a true local
We've created a specially curated experience program of the finest attractions Brno has to offer. This program is packed with discounts and perks that can be utilized at various Brno establishments and points of interest.
In the six rooms across the three apartments at Meet Mendel, you will get to know one of Brno's most noteworthy personalities . You'll spot it nestled between the iconic exhibition center in this area and the recently refurbished Mendl Square, complete with a brewery, artistic attractions, and a delightful open-air café.
Every apartment is equipped with its own kitchen, featuring a glass-enclosed balcony, and a bathroom serving all rooms. We have fully equipped the kitchen, enabling you to reside here comfortably. Each room is furnished with a double bed, a TV offering a Netflix subscription, and free Wi-Fi.
From Meet Mendel, you can reach the city center, particularly náměstí Svobody, with a 30-minute walk, or cut that time in half by taking the tram. Should you choose to stroll along this route, you'll encounter numerous captivating buildings, shops, and establishments well worth a visit. We especially recommend Pekařská Street.
Kde se v Brně ještě dobře spí?
Kromě záležitostí týkající se ubytování rádi
pomůžeme s výběrem restaurace, výletem
nebo třeba orientací v brněnském MHD.
Dominik Kremel
+420 530 334 330
Společně vyřešíme jakýkoliv speciální požadavek, třeba pokud budete mít zájem u nás bydlet dlouhodoběji nebo ve větším počtu.