6 nights at Orange Glow for the price of 5 nights

3 pokoje

5 nights
free night!

6 nights at Orange Glow  for the price of 5 nights

3 apartmány

Coffee, tea, free Netflix

Úvoz 47, Brno-Veveří

1 600 m from the center

What does the package contain?

1 night free of charge

Zážitkový program
v Brně plný benefitů

na 6 nocí

Enhance your Brno experience even further, get it at a discount!

Choose 6 or more nights in your preferred apartment or room , and we'll reward you with an extra free night at Goodnite when you book your stay package. In the end, you'll only be charged for 5 nights.
You can spend the saved money while wandering around Brno's gastro scene or on any other attractions that pique your interest in the city.

Experience Brno like a true local

We've created a specially curated experience program of the finest attractions Brno has to offer. This program is packed with discounts and perks that can be utilized at various Brno establishments and points of interest.

Podívat se na program

What does Orange Glow offer?

Are you fascinated by architecture? You will be thrilled at Orange Glow. You'll remember the splendid house not just for the memorable moments tied to your stay, but also for the vibrant orange accents within this historic building (and if orange isn't your preference, rest assured our rooms are painted in serene azure blue).

At Orange Glow, you can enjoy a pleasant night in one of three rooms, each equipped with a double bed, a TV featuring a Netflix subscription, and complimentary Wi-Fi, all are part of a single apartment. These rooms are complemented by a fully outfitted communal kitchen and bathroom. 




The garden area commences right beside the Orange Glow building, a true treasure in the city center, with narrow streets and a stunning vista of Špilberk and the cathedral. You can take a leisurely 20-minute walk to Kraví hora, featuring the planetarium, and in roughly the same amount of time, you can reach Náměstí Svobody. 



Vyberte si svůj apartmán v domě Orange Glow:

Bohužel nejsou k dispozici žádné pokoje.

Brno šestkrát jinak

Poznejte město od centra
až po vesnici.

Kde se v Brně ještě dobře spí?

Zažít Brno

Jsme tu pro vás od 9:00 do 22:00.
Nebo vždy v akutních případech.

Kromě záležitostí týkající se ubytování rádi
pomůžeme s výběrem restaurace, výletem
nebo třeba orientací v brněnském MHD.

Společně vyřešíme jakýkoliv speciální požadavek, třeba pokud budete mít zájem u nás bydlet dlouhodoběji nebo ve větším počtu.